
10 Elements of a Good Work Ethic

10 Elements of a Good Work Ethic

First what is Work Ethic?

Work ethic is the belief that hard work, diligence and integrity improve an individual’s overall value to a company or organization. In a nutshell it is a collection of values focused on the importance of work and manifested by determination or desire to work hard.

What therefore is a good work ethic?

A good or strong work ethic is considered vital for achieving goals, it feeds one’s orientation and greats the right mindset. The exact elements or components of a good work ethic are largely dependent on an individual, organization or industry.

Individuals who possess a good work ethic embody certain guiding principles that can be seen in their behavior. This leads them to produce high-quality work day-in day-out. And the output motivates them to maintain the course.

Why is it important to have a Good Work Ethic?

Any aspect of one’s career; Business, Employment or Studying. Demands strong work ethic.

What are the Elements of a Good Work Ethic?

A good work ethic motivates one’s needs and focuses their goals. It is created by one’s core values and mudded by one’s organization and industry. It is considered as a source of self-respect, work and personal satisfaction and fulfilment.

These are the general elements of a Good work ethic:

Goal-Oriented Actions: Your work should not just be about making plans and checking things off a list. You should have a direction and overall goal for every task. The goal should always be: “Never be counter-productive“.

Professionalism: Being professional involves everything from how you dress to how you present yourself in a professional environment and especially how your treat others.

Prioritized focus: This requires that you focus on where you can be the most useful/helpful. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses and focusing and planning a high impact-based objective.

Respectfulness: In one sentence; “You are the picture of grace under pressure”. No matter how tight the deadline, or heated the tempers, you always maintain poise and diplomacy. Irrespective of the situation from serving a client to collaborating with your colleagues you ensure your respect everyone’s opinions.

Dependability: You can be relied on to keep your word. You preform your tasks in a timely manner. You are prepared for every meeting and always deliver your work on schedule and on the given budget. Your reputation always proceeds you, “You have earned it over time.” Even in the zombie apocalypses, your customers, colleagues and clients will appreciate the stability you embody.

Humility: You respect and appreciate everyone’s contributions and openly share the credit for accomplishments. As the Ancient one said “It’s not about you”. You show gratitude to everyone for their hard work and reward client’s loyalty with consistency. And, while you always take your work seriously, you strive always to maintain a sense of humor about yourself.

Determination: You have a really go to attitude. You never allow obstacles stop you but embrace challenges like a mountain climber on a cool morning, the greater the height the better the day. As an entrepreneur; your job is to solve your client’s problems, as an employee; your job is to solve your employer’s problems. You are always to think solutions and never report problems.

Dedication: “You don’t stop until the job is done”. Your goal is always to do more than the expected. It’s not about what is worth the amount paid, it’s about what is possible. Your passion shows in how hard you work and the results you present.

Being available and reliable: There’s nothing better than someone you can always find. Being the person, your client or employer can always trust to get the job done whenever called upon.

Routine: A reliable routine, with a bit of flexibility will go a long way to towards ensuring you maintain a good work ethic, in a lot of ways it is the glue that holds every other element together.

In a nutshell:

To have a good work ethic means “You take responsibility for your actions, and the actions of those you oversee.” No matter the outcome in any given situation, you avoid making excuses when things don’t go according to plan. With purpose and resilience, you push ahead, no matter how far you have to go.