
Interesting Law Research Paper Topics, Projects & Ideas

Top Law Research Paper Topics

The academic year is ending, the final year research project is getting closer and closer, the time is finally coming to start writing your law research paper, but now you are faced with a serious dilemma of which topic to choose? How to choose? Are you about to become a lawyer, but have not yet decided what the topic of your project will be? Do not worry. We will help you with a list of topics for your Law degree. You can also check indications of current affairs that can yield brilliant work.

In the final year of college, it is extremely important to consult a list of subjects that can be worked on. The student must analyze everything very carefully, until defining which topic piques his curiosity. This article was created to help you. In this article, you will find the most varied topics for a Law research paper.

How to choose topics for a Law research paper?

The theme chosen for a final project should not just arouse the student’s interest. It also needs to offer scope for research and have good theoretical references. It is very complicated for an undergraduate student to do work on something that has very little theoretical framework available to study. Law is one of the most studied courses in universities, therefore, the search for a topic for a research paper that is different from those approached by other undergraduates can be exhausting. So, how to choose a topic? Check out our tips!

The choice of the topic must be made based on the student’s knowledge, such as choosing topics that best fit the type of work, they aim to achieve. Be it in the area of ​​Criminal Law, Civil Law or even Labor Law. The important thing is to aim at an area of ​​knowledge with which you are already familiar so that work and its development are pleasant and easier.

If the doubt persists, the most practical way to solve this problem is to go straight to the teacher who supervises you or look for a teacher who can help and direct the choice more clearly. In fact, we advise you to choose three or five themes that interest you. Then show the ideas to the project supervisor and ask for his opinion. This professional can point out the best path to your research topic.

Tips for choosing the topic for your law research wisely

Some tips can be followed to help the choice of topics for project work. Answer a few questions and choose the topic more easily. Like for example:

  • Do you know a specific area of ​​law well? Which?
  • Does this area have many fields?
  • Do you know any of them well?

If the answers to the questions are “yes,” just choose the Law area with which you are most familiar, list out its aspects and choose the one that the knowledge about is more comprehensive. With that, the choice of the topic will be easy, and it will also be a familiar topic. Thereafter the project will be written with more attention and the process will not be tedious. An important aspect to keep in mind is not only having a single topic option, as it is impossible to predict setbacks. Therefore, selecting at least three options is a wise thing to do.

In addition, seek maximum specificity when choosing research topic. Let’s assume that you choose the “Digital Law” area to work on. It is still very broad. Try to identify a more specific element to be the target of your investigation, such as crimes of paedophilia on the internet. The theme could be the legal aspects of the crime of paedophilia on the internet. Specifying the theme in the title of the paper is very important. When this is not done well, members of the board are entitled to demand more content from the student.

As already stated at the beginning of the text, the topic must have study material available. Therefore, look for books, scientific articles, theses and monographs that talk about the chosen subject. By panning academic papers already published, it is possible to meet several authors capable of improving the quality of their theoretical foundation.

Some topic ideas for Law research paper

1. Abortion, consequences before the law

The crime of abortion has been widely discussed in recent years. Although the subject has appeared more often than a few years ago, it is a recurring theme and is always appearing in newspapers and magazines, as well as in student discussions and feminist movements.

2. Private prison, deprivation of liberty through kidnapping

This is a topic that has several research possibilities, just knowing where to go deeper. What is the penalty for the crime of private imprisonment? What is considered a private prison? Consequences of deprivation of liberty through kidnapping, etc.

Within this theme the undergraduate can work on:

  • Domestic worker rights

3. Sex crimes and the big increase in recent years

Unfortunately, sexual crimes are on the rise, especially in recent years. Several studies show that such repulsive practices, in addition to becoming more evident, cause constant improvement in care to avoid them and the law is increasingly suitable for more severe penalties.

Within this theme the undergraduate can work on:

  • International trafficking in persons

4. Guilty manslaughter and intentional homicide

In this theme, it is interesting to address the difference between both types of homicides, as well as penalties to be applied and the consequences that those who are sentenced for the crime will face, before society. It is a simple topic that has many possibilities for study.

5. The death penalty, countries that apply and countries that do not

The subject of the death penalty is probably one of the most controversial topics in law. Several opinions differ on the acceptance and non-acceptance of the sentence. This fact shows how current this topic is and will be for a long time, providing a very interesting research paper.

6. Family violence and femicide

A topic that is on the rise in the media is “family violence and femicide.” This nomenclature that emerged recently and is increasingly rooted in the mouth of the people, making the topic quite current to be worked on. Various websites, newspapers and documentaries can serve as a theoretical framework for this topic.

Within this theme the undergraduate can work on:

  • Review of child trafficking law
  • Implementation of laws against gender-based violence

7. Family laws

This is an area that continues to be relevant in the present society as it governs relationship between family members.

Within this theme the undergraduate can work on:

  • Legal aspects of adoption
  • Adoption of a child in another country
  • Shared custody of children
  • Legal aspects of the will
  • Alimony between spouses

8. Virtual crimes

With the evolution of technology and globalization, the internet has become one of the most used means of communication for everyone. Thus, it has come as no surprise that the internet has been the target of bad people, who use this technology to deliver scams, spread hate, intolerance, and even fraud and theft. With the evolution of technology, laws have been created to protect the population against the so-called “virtual crimes.”

Within this theme, the student can work on:

  • Abuse crimes and offences on the internet.
  • The new data protection law.
  • Consumer rights in Internet shopping.
  • Ideological falsehood in cyberspace.

9. Crimes against the environment

Another very interesting topic that is always on the rise is “Crimes against the environment.” With all the current concern about deforestation, pollution, sustainability, etc., many laws have emerged or are modified within the legislation of many countries, to protect nature. With that, the aspiring lawyer can have good content to develop here, whose theme is full of current documents and interviews, which can facilitate and enrich the work.

Within this theme the undergraduate can work on:

  • Laws on the environment.
  • Penalties and fines for crimes against the environment.
  • Agrarian law and the environment.

10. Adoption by same-sex couples

This theme is somewhat controversial; however, it is very current and widespread. With that, it is natural that the student can find a wide range of content to be based. It is worth remembering that the student’s opinion on the topic should be left out of work, seeking to focus the application of the law on prejudice and homophobia.

Within this theme the undergraduate can work on:

  • Laws on adoption by same sex couples.
  • Difficulties that same sex couples encounter for adoption.

11. Constitutional law

This is a theme in law that cannot run of research topics because there is a constant need for interpretation of the laws of the land.

Within this theme the undergraduate can work on:

  • Impeachment
  • Marginalisation and exclusion from society
  • The arbitrary power of the police

Check below a list of 15 other notable topics for Law research:

  • Abuse of power in companies
  • Labour reform
  • Social Security Reform
  • Private property and the environment
  • Principle of equality and criminal law
  • Drugs and Criminal Policy
  • Criminal liability of the legal entity
  • Effectiveness of Individual writ of mandamus
  • Organ trafficking in Nigeria
  • Franchising agreement
  • Legal aspects of the financial pyramid
  • Crisis in the Nigerian prison system
  • Nigeria’s participation in UN missions
  • Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Psychopathy and Criminal Law