Agricultural Science

Analysis of Consumption Expenditure on Animal Protein By Households

Analysis of Consumption Expenditure on Animal Protein By Households in Kaduna Metropolis, Kaduna State, Nigeria


This study investigated the consumption expenditure on animal protein with more emphasis on beef and fish in Kaduna metropolis with a view of describing the socioeconomic of beef and fish consuming households, estimating quantity of beef and fish demand by households, estimating share in household expenditure of beef and fish, ascertain determinant of beef and fish demand and to determine price and expenditure elasticity of beef and fish in the study area. The sample size was randomly selected and data collected from 241 respondents in the study area. The data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics such as frequency distribution and percentages; budget share index, Linear Approximate Almost Ideal demand systems (LA-AIDS) model and the own price, cross price and expenditure elasticity equations derived from the LA-AIDS model. The study revealed education level, household size and household income have influence on beef and fish consume by the households, the mean quantity of beef and fish demanded by households is 3.37kg and 4.59kg respectively while the mean price per kilogram for beef and fish is N914.94 and N578.22 respectively. Percentage share in beef and fish was 0.076% and 0.060% respectively. The estimate of factors affecting beef and fish consumption of the households gave a R2-value of 0.57 and 0.45 respectively. The result indicates that prices of beef and fish were significant (P<0.01) and had influence on household expenditure on the product i.e. as the prices of the beef and fish increases, the household increases budget share on it making them to spend more to get more. The study further reveal that the own price elasticity of beef and fish were negative. The cross price elasticity of beef and fish with respect to other animal protein source in the system shows there exist substitution effect between all the products. Expenditure elasticity of beef and fish were less than one. Constraint faced by households in the consumption of beef and fish include high prices, low level of income, rapid spoilage and low supply. It was therefore be concluded that that beef and fish consumption can be increased when the prices are set in line with different household income levels and when the purchasing power of the household is improve.

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