Agricultural Science

Analysis of the Impact of Nomadic Education Programme on Cattle Production Output and Employment Opportunities

Analysis of the Impact of Nomadic Education Programme on Cattle Production Output and Employment Opportunities in North Western Zone of Nigeria


This study was carried out to determine the impact of Nomadic Education Programme on the Nomads Employment Opportunity and Cattle production Output in the North West zone of Nigeria. Primary data were collected in the month of April, 2015 by the use of interview schedule questionnaire administered to 488 nomadic pastoralists consisting of 264 within and 224 outside the grazing reserves nomadic education centers in the study area. 5 respondents each were also sampled for Focus group discussion from each of the villages and nomadic education centers in order to have in-depth knowledge on some of the responses given by the respondents in the filled questionnaires. Logic regression model analysis, z-test and descriptive statistics involving the use of frequency tables and percentages were used to analyze the data collected from the field. The results obtained revealed that nomads socio-economic characteristics like age (.008), educational level(.001) and livestock rearing experience(.004) were significant to nomads participation and adoption of nomadic education package at 1% percent level of probability. Nomadic Education Programme package technological characteristics such as relative advantage (.033), affordability (.020), compatibility (.011) and complexity (.012) were significant to nomads participation and adoption of Nomadic Education package at 5% level of probability in the study area. The results of the z-test statistic analysis on the impact of adoption of Nomadic Education Programme package on the nomads „employment opportunity revealed that (z-cal-2.67) was higher than (Z=1.96) at 0.05% level of probability, indicating that there is significant difference in rural employment opportunity between the nomads within and outside the grazing reserves nomadic education centers in the North West zone of Nigeria. The major constraints faced by the nomads within the grazing reserves nomadic education centers are poor water retention by the earth dams beyond the month of March (81.81%) and inadequate vocational skills teaching aids (72.72 among others. In order to improve on the nomad‟s extent of participation and adoption of Nomadic Education Programme package, it is recommended that extension services be intensifying by concerned organizations as well as periodic dredging of the earth dams and roads be rehabilitated by the relevant bodies/organizations in collaboration with National Commission for nomadic Education.

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