Business Administration & Management

Effective Information Management as a Tool for Crisis Control in Organization

Effective Information Management as a Tool for Crisis Control in Organization




The level of crisis in most of the organizations in Nigeria has increased over time because the unit heads and other departments can not communicate effectively among themselves, information and communication technology plays a vital role not in the crisis management but also in other areas of our lives; there are some of these organization in Nigeria especially the ones with a high level of noneducated staff always have crises and misunderstanding because lack of proper information management, the level of crises in such area became much. To get this information is one thing, to make proper use of the information is another thing.

Information management is the major thing most organizations in Nigeria need to improve on. It may seem simple but the truth is; information management is one thing most departments in the Nigerian sector neglect maybe because they do not know the importance of information management. If there is good information management in Nigeria, this level of crisis will not be this much.

The major difference in crisis management in Nigeria and the rest of other developed nations is information management; because information cannot go through the right channels in times of crisis.

Information management is a very important aspect of any growing organization; to understand the environment and the invention of new technologies.

Before a crisis in a particular area goes out of hand, there might have been a delay of information in reaching the higher authorities in those organizations.

The lack of good management of information in most organizations affects the working condition of the workers in those organizations.

Take for instance a meeting is scheduled by a particular time by the management of the organization, but because of a lack of proper information management most of the workers of the organization could not hear the message concerning the meeting; at the end of the day, they face a penalty for their absence. An organization with a good information management program will have things like circulars, memos, messages via email, text, etc to ensure everyone in the organization received the notice.


Most workers in some of these organizations lost their jobs because of poor management of information, crisis is not only on the level of relationship but also financially, and otherwise. Most companies are in financial crisis today because of mismanagement of information; information can bring new ideas to a business, and an organization with a good team can get this information and act accordingly. Crisis in most organizations can be financial, it can be in the worker-to-worker relationship, it can be boss to workers’ relationship.

An instruction that was given by the CEO of an organization might not be properly discussed among the junior staff of some of these organizations by the unit heads; at the end of the day, the junior staff works out of instruction.

Poor information management is one of the major causes of the crisis in most organizations in Nigeria today.


1. What are the major causes of the crisis in an organization?

2. Does the level of crisis in an organization have a significant effect on employee performance?

3. Does effective management of information increase the financial stand of an organization?

4. Why does lack of information management affect the worker-to-worker relationship?

5. What are the best ways to manage information in an organization?


H0: There is no meaningful difference in gender responses of the respondents that lack of information management in an organization has no significant effect on the level of crisis in the organization.

H1: There is a mean difference in gender responses of the respondents that lack of information management in an organization has a significant effect on the level of crisis in the organization.

H0: Poor information management has no significant effect on the financial stands of an organization

H1:Poor information management has a significant effect on the financial stand of an organization

H0: proper information management does not have a significant effect on the performance efficiency of an organization

H1: proper information management has a significant effect on the performance efficiency of an organization.


The main aims of the study are to determine:

1. The major causes of the crisis in an organization

2. whether the level of crisis in an organization has a significant effect on employee performance.

3. if effective management of information increases the financial stand of an organization.

4. The effect of lack of information management on the worker-to-worker relationships.

5.  The best ways to manage information in an organization.


The study is a very important one as to goes to reveal the effect of lack of information management in an organization, the study will discuss the possible solution to crises in an organization because of lack of information management. The study will be very useful to managers and directors of companies as it will guide them on the importance of effective management of information in an organization today.

The study will be an interesting one as to seek the responses of respondents on the issue of crisis in an organization as a result of poor information management in an organization today.


The study studies only the effect of poor information management on the level of crisis in an organization, it covers the concept of crisis, the disadvantages of crisis, and the advantages of effective information in an organization. The study made use of the responses from the respondents through the distribution of questionnaires to get the primary that will be used for analysis.


FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS: The research was done with limited funds; which made him not to be able to visit almost all organizations in Nigeria but the researcher was able to gather good responses from the few organization he or she visited.

TIME CONSTRAINTS: Due to the nature of the roads in Nigeria and traffic, the research was with limited time to do more concerning the research topic but the researcher was able to meet up with the time given by the supervisor for the research work to be completed.


CRISIS is any event that is or is expected to lead to, an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, organization, community, or whole society.


Duffy, Cathy (2004) crisis management vs. risk management” global trade review

Seymour, M., Moore, s. (2000). Effective crisis management: worldwide principles and practices

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