
A Study of Some of the Problems of Divorce and Its Effect on the Education of the Child

A Study of Some of the Problems of Divorce and Its Effect on the Education of the Child


This research work was aimed at finding out the effect of divorce on the academic performance of students in some selected secondary schools in Egor L.G.A., Benin City.

The purpose of this research is to identify the problems of divorce and its effects on the academic performance of students in secondary schools. In pursuance of this study, certain problems which require solutions were identified and they are:

(i) Students from broken homes suffer a lot of psychological and emotional problems.

(ii) Insecurity and unruly attitude of step-parents of these students lead them to steal items that do not belong to them in school.

(iii) Parents should teach the family on sound foundation of love, mutual understanding and good planning in order to bring up children who will be useful to themselves and to the society.


Chapter one: introduction

Background to study

Statement of problems

Purpose of study

Significance of study

Research questions

Scope of study

Limitation of study

Definition of terms

Chapter two: Literature review

Scientific approach


Family organization

Educational background

The theoretical basis of the causes of divorce

Divorce and the future of the family

Chapter three: methodology

Source of data

Population and sample

Sampling techniques

An instrument for collecting data

Validation of data

Reliability of the instrument

Method of data collection

Data analysis techniques

Chapter four

Analysis of data


Chapter five

Summary, findings, recommendations, and conclusions









The marriage of youth in ancient society was part of the responsibilities of his parents. The young man had no choice as to the choice of wife. In some cases a wife was married to him at a time. He could not accept keeping a wife. And all maintenance was done by the parents. Such marriages were regarded to be sacred and respected by the spouses. Parents were unnecessarily getting as to where their son was going to get his wife from.

Marriages arranged by parents based on family friendship ties rarely broke up in the past. Divorce which is the legal ending of marriage was also very rare in the past, because of the penalty associated with proven fidelity and the fear of offending the elders of both families. In Nigeria, there are clearly defined types of marriage. We have the church or statutory marriage, those performed at mosques and marriage constituted according to native law and customs of any ethnic group.

One of the purposes of marriage is to have children and establish a family. When these children eventually arrive, they are regarded as blessings from God and they become both social and economic assets to their parents. The family this time needs a home to live in and feel secured. Thus, home becomes a place where children are nurtured to become responsible for both themselves and society in general. Such a home should be built on love, trust, mutual understanding, and good planning to be able to meet its universal goals. In a situation where love and understanding are lacking, such a home becomes filled with cracks and fissures. Also, tension and anxiety become the order of the day. Thus intimately may result in divorce and therefore become a personal misfortune for either of the spouses in any society. Although it may be considered a universal escape from the inevitable tension in the marriage.

Divorce is a legal dissolution of the marital union which, involves the governance of the marriage bound between a husband and his wife.

For a marriage to be successful there is the need for the couple to be in harmony mentally, physically and spiritually. In other words, the husband and the wife must have a common goal and each has to contribute his or her own towards the fulfillment of the family the keyword should be love.


There are many problems with divorce or broken homes which at the long run reflect on the performance of children in schools. Some of these problems are;

There is an increase in domestic work and redistribution of household chores, which leaves the children with little or no time for their studies
Insecurity, step-parents do not show much love and affection to their stepchildren. Thus, these children suffer from mental retardation, personality improvement and are always miserable. They show behavioral responses like lying, stealing, building, and playing truant in school.
Also, it has been observed that children from broken homes suffer some other problems such as non-provision of some basic material needs like non-provision of some basic materials needs like food, clothing and learning material, etc.
Greeting of a gap in the children’s existence because there is no adult to guide and direct their behavior and desires as children learn by imitation.
In view of this, the researcher is forced to wonder whether extra-relationship and financial problems could lead to broken homes and if broken homes are the causes of a decrease in the performance of children in schools. In that, a closer look at the turnout of secondary school graduates these days reveals a lot of half-cooked, half-boiled, and half-baked scholars academically, socially, and otherwise.


The researcher is interested in the study of causes, problems, and effects of divorce or broken homes on the performances of children in schools because of the present decrease in children’s performance in schools which is giving much concern to most Nigerians as to where we are heading to. In view of this, this study is geared towards identifying the causes and problem of broken homes and the effects on the performance of children in some selected secondary schools in Oredo local government area. Also, to educated married couples and the general public of the consequences of divorce and or broken homes on the children and to encourage them to live harmoniously in order to bring up children who will successfully fit into the society and become useful to themselves and finally make necessary recommendations.


It is hoped that findings from this study will enrich programs of teaching social studies. The researcher is interested in the study of effect of divorce on the performance of children in schools because whatever happens in the home has a bearing therefore necessary to educate the youngsters who are yet to marry about the problems and causes of divorce and their consequences on the children. It will also make youngsters discriminative in their choice of mate. Findings from this study will and building from parent who have thought divorce in the understanding of the problem experienced by their parent and give them assurance about their children.


The following research questions are therefore formulated:

What are the causes of divorce on the child’s education in Oredo local government area?

What are the problems of divorce on the academic performance of students?

Does divorce has any effect on the academic performance of students

Do couples realize that problems in marriage can lead to divorce?

Does psychological and emotional disturbance lead to academic and social backwardness of students in schools?

Does security and unruly attitude of stepmothers to students from broken homes lead them to steal in school?

Does lack of encouragement on the part of step-parents contribute to the academic backwardness of students?

Do children from broken homes opportune to plan their future careers with their sponsors?

Are couples aware that problems associated with divorce can affect their children and society?

What are the factors that can lead to divorce?


Adolor College, Oredo Girls College, Idia College, Immaculate conception college, Emotan College would be sampled concerning the cause and problem of divorce and its effects on the child’s education.


In the course of the research in findings the causes and problem of divorce and its effect on the child’s education in Oredo local government area of Edo State, there were some problems that were encountered time and materials constraint, uncooperative attitude of respondents, and unfavorable climate condition.


Family: A group of persons, two or more related by blood, marriage, or adoption residing together; all such persons are considered as members of one family

Marriage: the union of man-and woman as husband and wife.

Couple: two persons seen together as husband and wife.

Divorce: put an end to marriage by law of husband or wife sexually outside the matrimonial home.

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