
The Impact of E-learning on the Academic Performance of Undergraduates

The Impact of E-learning on the Academic Performance of Undergraduates (A Case Study of the University of Jos)


This study was designed to examine the impact of e-learning on academic performance In University of Jos. To seek their opinion on the students’ perception of e-learning and academic performance in University of Jos, the 300 and 400 level students of the five departments in the Faculty of Education were administered questionnaires. Hypothesis and five-research questions were formulated for testing; these were statistically answered using percentage to establish the students’ responses to e-learning and academic performance.

The findings revealed that e-learning has positive impact on the academic performance of the students. The two types of online education are found to be important but there has been a decline in the number of students using e-learning as their main line of acquiring skills while the importance of using e-learning education is to aid learning effectiveness.

Recommendations made on the findings include: improvement on the internet network in Nigeria by the government and the higher institutions. Government should ensure that a minimum standard of requirement is set for schools to get computer facilities to enhances the effective accessing of material on computer education.

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