Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Design and Construction of an FM Wireless Microphone

Design and Construction of an FM Wireless Microphone

This project intended to simplify the description and working principle of FM wireless microphone, which works on a fixed frequency modulation (FM) band.

Approval Sheet

Title Page

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Aim And Objective Of Investigation

Chapter Two
2.0 Transmitter
2.1 Ionospheric Propagation
2.2 Modulation
2.3 Needs For Modulation Process

Chapter Three
3.0 Frequency Modulation
3.1 Characteristic Of An Fm Wave
3.2 Frequency Modulation Detectors
3.3 Method Of Generating And Detecting F.M
3.4 Resonance
3.5 Oscillation

Chapter Four
4.0 The Radio Tuner

Chapter Five
5.1 Function Of Transmitter (With Block Diagram)
5.2 Resistor And Used In The Project
5.3 Capacitors
5.4 Variable
5.5 Transistor
5.6 Aerial
5.7 Microphone
5.8 Power Supply Unit

Chapter Six
6.0 Conclusion
6.1 Background Information


Electronics deals with current flow and the application therefore current are established by movement of electron-hence electronics. Electrons on their own are constituents of the atom. We shall bargain therefore by considering our need for electronics in everyday activities because it has become obvious. As the world grows computerized, we ought to have the knowledge and understanding of electronics for a certain reason.

As a matter of fact, our satisfaction these days mostly depend on electronics. These satisfactions may come in different ways. For instance, one cam now stays in his house or in the motor to communicate with distance person through telephones; one can tune radio or television on station inside his house, to mails. Some information can be transmitted with the aid of a microphone. All these and more make life easier and less stressful for us.

The study of electronics is not so simple as may be perceived by people who professionalized in its operation.

It deals with the movements of electrons and electromagnetic waves in short everything that happens in electronics is invisible. “Electronics, according to advanced learner dictionaries” is the science and technology of electronics phenomena, devices and systems, as in radio, television, tape recorder, computing etc.

Considering the project I am writing about now, the radio transmitter. Radio transmitter generates energy at a definite frequency and conveys this energy to the transmitting aerial for radiation. To obtain useful radiated signals, information must be superimposed on the radio waves. In the continuous wave (C.W) transmitters used for radio, telegraphy, the desired information is added by interrupting the radio frequency oscillations by a telegraphic code. In radiotelephone (modulated) transmitters the information is added by modulating either the amplitude or the frequency of the radio frequency carrier wave the speech or music to be transmitted.


my aim and purpose to investigate started when I saw that thing\s are not easy in the field as it is said theoretically. When I bought components and made connections in a project board, I saw that my objectives were not attained immediately I disconnected several times and moved to the library, consulted our senior coursemate for further explanation and serious investigation. In fact, my purpose is not as easy as thought to us. Then I added more effort to be at the final level of the project.

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