Medical & Health Science

The Impact of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Syndromes on the Treatment Outcome of Tuberculosis Cases

The Impact of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Syndromes on the Treatment Outcome of Tuberculosis Cases in Akwa Ibom State


The extent to which HIV affects the treatment outcome of TB patients may not be appreciated until after a research work to determine these effects is carried out. The HIV sero-prevalence among our TB patients was high (26.6%). Though more males (59. ]%) were in our study population, more females 50.4% were HIV positive. The HIV sero-prevalence among fema les (32 .2) was significantly higher than for males (22%). The age group 25 – 34 years were the most affected both by TB 33.9% and HIV 44 .9%. HIV significantly reduced the cure rate Qf TB patients, 69%, when compared to 79.4% among HIV – negative patients. 6.6% of HIV positive patients failed treatment compared to 2.6% among HIV negative. The most affected was the death rate which was 7.3% among HIV Positive and 0.8% among HIV negative. This research exposes the low efficacy of our treatment regimen of 2ERHZ/6EH on patients with HIV infection when compared to 2ERHZ/4RH used in other TB control programmes. More research work needs to be carried out in this field . The drug regimen needs to be upgraded to a more effective regimen . Collaboration between NACA and NTBLCP will go a long way in controlling this “Cursed Duet”.

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