Office Technology Management

A Survey of Physical Working Conditions and their Effects on Productivity of the Secretaries in some Business Establishments

A Survey of Physical Working Conditions and their Effects on Productivity of the Secretaries in some Business Establishments




The score of today’s business is seriously widening and becoming dynamic challenging sophisticated and highly competitive for any establishment to cope with the demanding nature of modern business and eventually accomplish its set objectives, it must practice the art of scientific management. This means that managers of these business establishments must have insight or vision which will enable them to plan and work towards achieving their economic objectives using all available resources effectively or efficiently.

The managers’ accomplishment of these objectives is a demanding task. The manager will require the services of someone who will help him to achieve or accomplish this great task which is the services of a secretary.

According to Elendu, O. (2001) it is necessary to refer to the definition given earlier and adopted by the National – Secretaries Association Missouri, the USA which says that the secretary is an assistant to an executive, possessing mastery of office skills and ability to assume responsibility without direct supervision, who displays initiative, exercises judgment and makes a decision within the scope of her authority.

According to Okolo (2009), a secretary is a person who directly assists the chairman in the conduct of the meeting. The secretary is in charge of the secretariat and is responsible for all the secretariat functions of the meeting.

According to White Head (1979), a secretary must act as the alter ego of the chief executive. The secretary must be able to render such services as desired by the chief executive and also assist him to realize the organizational goals based on competence and efficiency.

The secretary plays an essential role in any establishment/office. This means that a secretary must be a person of high responsibility and even qualified by training experience and temperament to perform these essential duties.

A secretary being able to carry out his/her duties perfectly, physical working condition is mandatory to provide. It is so because this helps to make secretaries comfortable. Physical working conditions according to Elendu O. (2000: 1.8) said that it is not enough for an office to be properly located and laid out. It is also highly necessary to ensure that good physical conditions are provided and at the same time will maintain, while Obasi Oko (1994: 950) enumerated them as the orientation of the building, cleanliness of the office furniture, and fittings. Physical working conditions and those things which are in an office that makes a worker work for a long time without getting distracted and tired. The provision of adequate, attractive and conducive physical working conditions in the offices is of utmost importance. The manager should try to make the working condition comfortable and attractive.

The nature of the physical working conditions influences the performance of the secretaries in a greater way. If the office is not comfortable or conducive, it affects the job performance of secretaries, her mood, and productivity. But a comfortable environment makes the secretary to be excited and enhances his/her performance and productivity.

In any office, there should be maximum use of certain working conditions like lighting, ventilation, computers, and others. Effective use of doors, windows, vents, and skylights will save eyes, improve work and health, and it reduces the cost of lighting, heating, and air condition. Based on these the provision of proper physical working conditions in the office is the sine qua non if the productivity of the secretary is to be guaranteed.

This study is therefore aimed at finding out the extent to which the provision and lack of any of these physical working conditions have influenced and affected the secretary’s performance and productivity.


The challenge of this modern office and the resultant challenge posed on the secretaries in the office and job holders have made the practice of secretariat functions too demanding and tasking. With poor physical working conditions, there is usually fatigue and poor health, with its consequences on productivity.

Lack of adequate and proper physical working conditions in offices the secretary’s morale depressed resulting to lack of job satisfaction, sabotage, and performance. In an office, the lack of performance of the secretary will surely disorganize the entire system in the business for the organization.

Some people can concentrate in the face of distraction but whether a person has this ability or not, an employer must make adequate provision for his staff, an environment conducive to work to enhance job performance and productivity. The absence of these physical working conditions in an office has made secretaries resort to truancy, lateness, indifference, absenteeism, and the consequential rate of labor turnover of the secretaries.


The major objective or purpose of this study is to determine the physical working conditions in offices and their effects on the productivity of secretaries in some business establishments.

i. To identify the major physical working conditions in offices and their level of availability in that establishment.

ii. To identify the problems associated with the lack of these physical working conditions.

iii. To prefer solutions aimed at solving these problems and make recommendations.

iv. To determine the extent to which the physical working conditions in offices affect the productivity of the secretary, especially in those selected establishments.


This study is intended to highlight the major physical working conditions that should be present in offices. It will expose the factors responsible for the lack of these physical working conditions in offices and its resultant effects on the performance of the secretaries.

This study will suggest the various ways establishments and employees of labor could follow to provide these essential physical working conditions for the secretary to ensure maximum serve as reference material to other students and teachers who may embark on similar research in the future.


The researcher emerged the result of covering all the country and decided to limit the investigations to some selected establishments in Enugu urban.


This study is intended to identify the following:

1. What are the major physical working conditions in offices and the level of availability in those establishments?

2. What are the problems caused by inadequate physical working conditions?

3. To what extent do these physical working conditions influence your productivity?

4. What do you think are the possible solutions to these problems?


PHYSICAL CONDITION: These facilities and conveniences in the workplace that without distraction and fatigue that work can be done efficiently.

PRODUCTIVITY: The amount of production about labor employed.

SECRETARY: An executive assistant who possesses a mastering of office skills without direct supervision, exercises initiative judgment, and makes decisions within the scope of his assigned authority.

ENVIRONMENT: The surrounding conditions of an employee, which influence his work.

ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS: Targets or designed objectives, which an organization aimed to achieve.

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