
The Growth and Characterization of Thin CDs by Solution Deposition Technique


A polycrystalline thin film of n-CdS ha sbeen successfully deposited on a glass substrate using solution deposition technique. The complexing agent employed is sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3) and the source of the sulphide ions is thiourea (NH2)2CS). The absorbance measurements using the shimadzu (UV-100-01) spectrophotometer give the band gap eenrgy of the film as Eg=2.31=0.01 eV, which is the characteristicenergy band gap, for cadmium sulphide (CdS). Variations in the thickness of film wth different bath parameters have been studied to obtain the thickest deposition possible. Results from the various baths show the same growth pattern but relatively large film thickness. (i) at an optimum PH value 11.0 (ii) using an optimum volume of 5ml of the complexing agent to 10ml of the Cd-solution. (iii) employinh 1.0 :0.5 ratio for the concentration of Cd-solution and thiourea respectively.

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