Home » Subsistence agriculture is characterized by

Subsistence agriculture is characterized by

Subsistence agriculture is characterized by

  • A. Use of machines
  • B. Large-scale production
  • C. Small farm holders
  • D. Intensive use of inputs
Correct Answer: Option C

Subsistence agriculture is a way of farming that focuses on making enough food and other resources to meet the needs of the farmer’s family, with little or no extra to trade or sell. It comprises small farm owners who use simple tools and methods to work their land. They often rely on traditional farming methods and manual labor. Most of the time, this type of farming is done in developing or rural areas without access to modern technology, infrastructure, or markets.

In subsistence agriculture, farmers focus on growing crops and raising animals that do well in the local climate and conditions. This makes sure that their families always have enough food. Diversifying crops is common because it lowers the chance that a crop will fail and gives people a more varied diet, which is important for staying healthy. Low inputs are also a feature of this type of farming. Instead of using expensive chemicals, farmers often use natural fertilizers and organic ways to get rid of pests.

Even though subsistence agriculture is focused on being self-sufficient, it faces many problems, such as low productivity, vulnerability to climate change, and limited access to modern agricultural technologies. Because of this, subsistence farmers often have trouble making enough food for their families, which can leave them hungry and poor. To solve these problems, it is important to give small farmers the education, training, and resources they need to switch to more sustainable and productive farming methods while keeping their traditional knowledge and connection to the land.