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What is drug abuse?(b) Highlight six ways by which drug abuse can be…

(a) What is drug abuse?

(b) Highlight six ways by which drug abuse can be curbed in society.


(a) Definition of Drug abuse

– Drug abuse refers to the use of drugs through self-medication or without due medical prescription and administration. It is the indiscriminate use of any drug, i.e., marijuana (Indian hemp), e.g., heroin, morphine, cocaine, stimulants, alcohol, etc.

– Drug abuse is the overuse and misuse of legal and illegal drugs by individuals without prescription by medical personnel to cause a change in their physiological and psychological state, which leads to legal and interpersonal problems.

(b) Ways by which drug abuse can be curbed in the society

i. Those in authority should control access to hard drugs

ii. Creation of job opportunities

iii. Community action and involvement

iv. Involvement in school and extra-curricular activities such as sports may keep people out of drug abuse

v. Psychological reinforcement of behaviors of drug abusers when appropriate

vi. Media campaign against drug abuse should be intensified

vii. Proper family upbringing should be encouraged

viii. Counseling the drug abusers about its consequences may prevent them from future drug abuse

ix. You should be encouraged to resist negative peer pressure

x. The youth should be taught moral and religious principles

xi. Selected and recognized outlets for the sale of drugs should be controlled

xii. Good knowledge of drugs by individuals and the public should be encouraged