Home » …. what I have forbidden to you …. (Hadith 9 of an-Nawawi) complete the Hadith…

…. what I have forbidden to you …. (Hadith 9 of an-Nawawi) complete the Hadith…

…. what I have forbidden to you …. (Hadith 9 of an-Nawawi) complete the Hadith and state its lessons.


“What I have forbidden for you, avoid. What I have ordered you [to do], do as much of it as you can. For verily, it was only the excessive questioning and their disagreeing with their Prophets that destroyed [the nations] who were before you”.


Here, the word “nahi” is translated as forbidden, although it has two implications, namely

  1. A complete prohibition/strict prohibition of an act. This is called “al-tahreem” and is something haram or forbidden.
  2. A recommendation to avoid an act out of dislike for the act. This is called “al-karaaha” which makes it disliked or discouraged.

In this hadith, the apparent meaning is in reference to what is strictly forbidden, and not an act that is just disliked. This includes adultery, fornication, drinking alcohol, taking interest, stealing, murder, etc. A person who wants to attain a high level of taqwa would go one step ahead to make sure that he stays away from acts that are discouraged and disliked as well.