Home » A chord of circle of radius 7cm is 5cm from the centre of the maximum…

A chord of circle of radius 7cm is 5cm from the centre of the maximum…

A chord of circle of radius 7cm is 5cm from the centre of the maximum possible area of the square?
  • A.
    4√6 cm
  • B.
    3√6 cm
  • C.
    6√6 cm
  • D.
    2√6 cm
Correct Answer: Option A

From Pythagoras theorem
|OA|2 = |AN|2 + |ON|2
72 = |AN|2 + (5)2
49 = |AN|2 + 25
|AN|2 = 49 – 25 = 24
|AN| = (sqrt {24})
= (sqrt {4 times 6})
= 2√6 cm
|AN| = |NB| (A line drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord, divides the chord into two equal parts)
|AN| + |NB| = |AB|
2√6 + 2√6 = |AB|
|AB| = 4√6 cm