Home » Calculate the volume of the regular three dimensional figure drawn above, where

Calculate the volume of the regular three dimensional figure drawn above, where

Calculate the volume of the regular three dimensional figure drawn above, where < ABC = 90° (a right- angled triangle).

  • A.
    394 cm(^3)
  • B.
    425 cm(^3)
  • C.
    268 cm(^3)
  • D.
    540 cm(^3)
Correct Answer: Option D

|AC| = |DF| = 13 cm

Using Pythagoras theorem,

|AC|(^2) = |AB|(^2) + |BC|(^2)

13(^2) = 12(^2) + |BC|(^2)

|BC|(^2) = 169 – 144 = 25

|BC| = (sqrt{25})

= 5 cm

Volume of triangular prism = (frac{1}{2} times base times length times height)

= (frac{1}{2} times 5 times 12 times 18)

= 540 cm(^3)

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