Home » Find the distance between two towns P(45°N, 30°W) and Q(15°S, 30°W) if the radius of…

Find the distance between two towns P(45°N, 30°W) and Q(15°S, 30°W) if the radius of…

Find the distance between two towns P(45°N, 30°W) and Q(15°S, 30°W) if the radius of the earth is 7000km. [(pi = frac{22}{7})]

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
Correct Answer: Option C

Angular difference = 45° + 15° = 60°.

(D = frac{60°}{360°} times 2 times frac{22}{7} times 7000)

= (frac{22000}{3} km)