Home » For what values of x is the expression (frac{3x-2}{4x^2+9x-9}) undefined?

For what values of x is the expression (frac{3x-2}{4x^2+9x-9}) undefined?

For what values of x is the expression (frac{3x-2}{4x^2+9x-9}) undefined?

  • A.
    (frac{-3}{4} hspace{1mm}or hspace{1mm}3)
  • B.
    (frac{-2}{3} hspace{1mm}or hspace{1mm}-3)
  • C.
    (frac{2}{3} hspace{1mm}or hspace{1mm}3)
  • D.
    (frac{3}{4} hspace{1mm}or hspace{1mm}-3)
Correct Answer: Option D

The equation (frac{3x – 2}{4x^2 + 9x – 9}) is undefined when the denominator = 0.

(4x^2 + 9x – 9 = 0)

(4x^2 + 12x – 3x – 9 = 0)

(4x(x + 3) – 3(x + 3) = 0)

((4x – 3)(x + 3) = 0)

x = (frac{3}{4}) or x = -3.