Home » If (frac{t}{1}) = (sqrt{(frac{4pi^2}{g}})), what is the value of g when I = 4.5; t…

If (frac{t}{1}) = (sqrt{(frac{4pi^2}{g}})), what is the value of g when I = 4.5; t…

If (frac{t}{1}) = (sqrt{(frac{4pi^2}{g}})), what is the value of g when I = 4.5; t = 5 secs
  • A.
    3.20 ms2
  • B.
    11.31 ms2
  • C.
    32.00 ms2
  • D.
    56.57 ms2
  • E.
    160.00 ms2
Correct Answer: Option C