Home » In the diagram, |QR| = 10cm, PR⊥QS, angle PSR = 30° and angle PQR = 45°….

In the diagram, |QR| = 10cm, PR⊥QS, angle PSR = 30° and angle PQR = 45°….

In the diagram, |QR| = 10cm, PR⊥QS, angle PSR = 30° and angle PQR = 45°. Calculate in meters |QS|

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
Correct Answer: Option A

In (Delta) PQR, 

(tan 45 = frac{PR}{10} implies PR = 10 tan 45)

= 10m

In (Delta) PRS,

(tan 30 = frac{10}{RS} implies RS = frac{10}{tan 30})

= (frac{10}{frac{1}{sqrt{3}})

= (10sqrt{3})

PS = (10 + 10sqrt{3})

= (10(1 + sqrt{3}) cm)