Home » In XYZ, y = z = 30° and XZ = 3cm. Find YZ

In XYZ, y = z = 30° and XZ = 3cm. Find YZ

In XYZ, y = z = 30° and XZ = 3cm. Find YZ

  • A.
    (frac{sqrt{3}}{2}) cm
  • B.
    3(frac{sqrt{3}}{2}) cm
  • C.
    3(sqrt{3}) cm
  • D.
    2(sqrt{3}) cm
Correct Answer: Option C

Y (to) 30°
X (to) 120°
Z (to) 30°
(frac{3}{text{sin 30}}) = (frac{YZ}{text{sin 120}})
YZ = (frac{3times sin 120}{sin 30})
(3 times frac{sqrt{3}}{2} times 2 = 3sqrt{3})