Home » PQR is a triangle in which PQ = 10cm and QPR = 60oS is a…

PQR is a triangle in which PQ = 10cm and QPR = 60oS is a…

PQR is a triangle in which PQ = 10cm and QPR = 60oS is a point equidistant from P and Q. Also S is a point equidistant from PQ and PR. If U is the foot of the perpendicular from S on PR, find the length SU in cm to one decimal place
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
Correct Answer: Option B

(bigtriangleup)PUS is right angled
(frac{US}{5}) = sin60o
US = 5 x (frac{sqrt{3}}{2})
= 2.5(sqrt{3})
= 4.33cm