Home » The angle between the positive horizontal axis and a given line is 135o. Find the…

The angle between the positive horizontal axis and a given line is 135o. Find the…

The angle between the positive horizontal axis and a given line is 135o. Find the equation of the line if it passes through the point (2,3)
  • A.
    x – y = 1
  • B.
    x + y = 1
  • C.
    x + y = 5
  • D.
    x – y = 5
Correct Answer: Option C

m = tan 135o = -tan 45o = -1
(frac{y – y_1}{x – x_1}) = m
(frac{y – 3}{x – 2}) = -1
= y – 3 = -(x – 2)
= -x + 2
x + y = 5