Home » The shaded region above is represented by the equation

The shaded region above is represented by the equation

The shaded region above is represented by
the equation

  • A.
    y ≤ 4x + 2
  • B.
    y ≥ 4x + 2
  • C.
    y ≤ -4x + 4
  • D.
    y ≤ 4x + 4
Correct Answer: Option C

Equation of the line

(frac{y – 4}{x – 0} = frac{0 – 4}{1 – 0})

(frac{y – 4}{x} = frac{-4}{1})

(therefore -4x = y – 4)

(y = -4x + 4)

(therefore text{The shaded portion = } y leq -4x + 4)

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