Home » Two numbers 24(_{x}) and 31(_y) are equal in value when converted to base ten. Find…

Two numbers 24(_{x}) and 31(_y) are equal in value when converted to base ten. Find…

Two numbers 24(_{x}) and 31(_y) are equal in value when converted to base ten. Find the equation connecting x and y

  • A.
    2x = 3(y – 1)
  • B.
    4x – y = 1
  • C.
    3y + 2x = 3
  • D.
    3y = 2 (x + 3)
Correct Answer: Option A

24(_x) = 31(_y)

(2 times x^1 + 4 times x^0 = 3 times y^1 + 1 times y^0)

(2x + 4 = 3y + 1 implies 2x = 3y + 1 – 4)

(2x = 3y – 3 = 3(y – 1))