Home » What is 0.5 as a Fraction? – Decimal to Fraction Conversion

What is 0.5 as a Fraction? – Decimal to Fraction Conversion

What is 0.5 as a Fraction?

0.5 as a fraction in simplest form.

  • A. 17/34
  • B. 3/2
  • C. 1/2
  • D. 1/4
  • E. 1/8
The Correct Answer is C. 1/2

Here’s how to turn the decimal 0.5 into a fraction:

First, you need to know that the decimal 0.5 means 5/10.

So, 0.5 can be written as 5/10 at first.

But this fraction isn’t made easy. We can make a fraction easier to understand by dividing the top number (the numerator) and the bottom number (the denominator) by their largest common factor. In this case, you can divide both 5 and 10 by 5.

Doing so means (5 ÷ 5) / (10 ÷ 5) = 1/2.

So, the fraction 1/2 is the same as the decimal 0.5.


Converting decimals to fractions is a basic math concept that helps us understand the difference between these two ways of writing numbers. Here, we’ll look at how to change 0.5 from decimal to its fractional form.

Understanding the Decimal

The first step involves comprehending the decimal 0.5. In the decimal number system, a digit’s place value is determined by its position after the decimal point. The digit immediately following the decimal point represents tenths. Consequently, 0.5 can be interpreted as 5 over 10.

Converting to a Fraction

Once the place value of the decimal has been established, the conversion to a fraction is simple. As 0.5 represents 5 over 10, we can express it as 5/10. The fraction’s numerator (5) represents the number of tenths we have, while the denominator (10) indicates that these parts are out of ten.

Simplifying the Fraction

Our final step in this process of conversion is to simplify our fraction. We can simplify a fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor.

The greatest common factor of 5 and 10 in this instance is 5. Thus, when the numerator and denominator are divided by 5, the result is 1/2. Therefore, the fraction 1/2 corresponds to the decimal 0.5. This fraction provides the simplest and most concise representation of the original decimal in its most reduced form.

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