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What is the solution of the equation x2 – x – 1 + 0?

What is the solution of the equation x2 – x – 1 + 0?

  • A.
    x = 1.6 and x = -0.6
  • B.
    x = -1.6 and x = 0.6
  • C.
    x = 1.6 and x = 0.6
  • D.
    x = -1.6 and x = -0.6
Correct Answer: Option A

(x^{2} – x – 1 = 0)

Using the quadratic formula, 

(x = frac{-b pm sqrt{b^{2} – 4ac}}{2a})

a = 1, b = -1, c = -1.

(x = frac{-(-1) pm sqrt{(-1)^{2} – 4(1)(-1)}}{2(1)})

(x = frac{1 pm sqrt{1 + 4}}{2} = frac{1 pm sqrt{5}}{2})

(x = frac{1 + 2.24}{2} ; x = frac{1 – 2.24}{2})

(x = frac{3.24}{2}; x = frac{-1.24}{2})

(x = 1.62 ; x = -0.61 )

(x approxeq 1.6; -0.6)