Home » A flower that has both stamens and pistils is said to be

A flower that has both stamens and pistils is said to be

A flower that has both stamens and pistils is said to be

  • A. Staminate
  • B. Pistillate
  • C. Perfect
  • D. Imperfect
Correct Answer: Option C

A flower is perfect when it has both male and female reproductive cells, also known as stamens and pistils. The stamen, an essential component of a flower’s reproductive system, is comprised of two primary components: the anther, responsible for the production of pollen (male gametes), and the filament, which serves as a supportive stalk for the anther. The male reproductive organs play a vital role in pollen synthesis and dispersal, essential for ovules’ fertilization and subsequent seed formation.

The pistil is the flower’s female reproductive part. It comprises the ovary, which holds the ovules or possible seeds, the style, which connects the ovary to the stigma; and the stigma, where pollen grains land. The pistil is just as important to reproduction because it is where the pollen goes and fertilization happens. So, a flower with petals and pistils, which means it can both make and receive pollen, is called a “perfect flower.” It has the unique ability to reproduce on its own, which helps plant species grow and spread quickly.