Home » Which of the following is not a tissue found in plants?

Which of the following is not a tissue found in plants?

Which of the following is not a tissue found in plants?

  • A. Epidermis
  • B. Phloem
  • C. Xylem
  • D. Dermis
  • E. Mesophyll
Correct Answer: Option D

Understanding the Dermis: Key Differences Between Animal and Plant Tissues

The dermis is an essential tissue layer in vertebrate animals under the epidermis. It plays a pivotal role in skin health, boasting vital components like blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, and sweat glands. Its primary functions are to offer strength and flexibility to the skin, manage body temperature, and nourish the overlying epidermis.

Plants don’t have a dermal layer like animals. Their external protective layer, known as the epidermis, shields them, aids in preserving moisture, and facilitates essential gas exchange. Delving deeper into a plant, specialized tissues like the vascular system (the xylem and phloem) are crucial for transporting water, nutrients, and sugars. They also possess ground tissue that serves storage and structural purposes.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, while the dermis is a fundamental layer in animal skin, it’s absent in plants. The term “dermis” is thus exclusive to animal anatomy and doesn’t relate to plant tissue structures.