Home » If (y = sqrt{ax-b}) express x in terms of y, a and b

If (y = sqrt{ax-b}) express x in terms of y, a and b

If (y = sqrt{ax-b}) express x in terms of y, a and b

  • A.
    (x = frac{y^2-b}{a})
  • B.
    (x = frac{y+b}{a})
  • C.
    (x = frac{y-b}{a})
  • D.
    (x = frac{y^2 + b}{a})
Correct Answer: Option D

(y = sqrt{ax-b})

(y^2 = ax-b)

(y^2 +b = ax)

(x = frac{y^2 + b}{a})