Home » What is 0.55 as a Fraction? – Decimal to Fraction Conversion

What is 0.55 as a Fraction? – Decimal to Fraction Conversion

What is 0.55 as a Fraction?

  • A. 17/34
  • B. 11/20
  • C. 1/2
  • D. 3/8
  • E. 1/8
The Correct Answer is B. 11/20
0.55 as a fraction is 11/20


The fraction 55/100 can be written as the decimal 0.55.

This can be simplified further by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor. Both 55 and 100 can be divided by 5 in this instance.

When we do this, we get (55 ÷ 5) / (100 ÷ 5) = 11/20.

Consequently, 0.55 as a fraction equals 11/20.


In mathematics, knowing how to change decimals to fractions is important. Here, we’ll look at how to change 0.55 from its decimal to its fraction form.

Understanding the Decimal

After the decimal point, 0.55 is made up of two digits. The first number shows how many tenths, and the second number shows how many hundredths. So, 0.55 can be thought of as meaning fifty-five hundredths.

Conversion to a Fraction

After understanding the place value of the decimal, we can convert it to a fraction. The decimal is represented as the fraction 55/100. Here, the numerator (55) represents the number of hundredths, while the denominator (100) represents the total number of components that comprise a whole.

Simplifying the Fraction

The last step in this conversion is to make the fraction easier to understand. You can make a fraction easier to understand by dividing the numerator and the denominator by their biggest common factor. The largest number that divides both 55 and 100 is 5. So, 11/20 is the answer when dividing the numerator and the denominator by 5. So, the number 0.55 is the same as the simplified fraction 11/20.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, to convert decimals to fractions, you need to know the place value of the decimal, write it as a fraction, and then simplify it. Using this method, we find that the decimal 0.55 can be written as the fraction 11/20.

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