Home » What is 0.7 as a Fraction? – Decimal to Fraction Conversion

What is 0.7 as a Fraction? – Decimal to Fraction Conversion

What is 0.7 as a Fraction?

  • A. 17/34
  • B. 7/20
  • C. 1/2
  • D. 3/4
  • E. 1/8
The Correct Answer is B. 7/10


0.7 can be written as the fraction 7/10.

However, this fraction is simplified because 7 and 10 have no common divisors other than 1.

Consequently, 0.7 as a fraction equals 7/10.


Converting decimals to fractions is a fundamental skill in mathematics. This explanation will discuss converting the decimal 0.7 to its fractional equivalent.

Understanding the Decimal

0.7 is written with one digit after the decimal point, representing tenths. So, we can say that 0.7 means 7-tenths.

0.7 Conversion to a Fraction

After understanding what each place in a decimal means, the next step is to convert this decimal into a fraction, and we can write 0.7 as the fraction 7/10 by putting the number 7 over the number 10 (which stands for the tenth place). Here, the number (7) in the numerator shows how many tenths we have, and the number (10) in the denominator shows how many parts make up the whole.

Simplifying the Fraction

The last step in converting is to make the fraction easier to understand. Some fractions must go through this step to get to their simplest form. But in the case of 7/10, 7 and 10 have no common divisors other than 1. So, the simplest way to write the fraction 7/10 is as it is now.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, to change a decimal to a fraction, you need to know its place value, write it as a fraction, and, if necessary, simplify that fraction. Using this method on the number 0.7, you get the fraction 7/10.

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