Agricultural Science

Analysis of the Impact of Growth Enhancement Scheme on Rural Women’s Livelihood in Kaduna State, Nigeria

Analysis of the Impact of Growth Enhancement Scheme on Rural Women’s Livelihood in Kaduna State, Nigeria


The study was conducted to determine the impact of growth enhancement scheme on rural women livelihood in Kaduna State, Nigeria and to compare their performances in terms of output, income and level of living with those of non-participants. A multistage sampling method was used. Data were collected from a total of 272 respondents made up participants and non-participants in the scheme using structured questionnaire and interview schedule. Data analysis was achieved using descriptive statistics multiple regression, t-test of statistic and z-test of statistic. This result should that the age of the majority of respondent fell between 31 and 50 year majority of the respondents were married, 75% and 83% for participants and non-participants respectively. Approximately 71% and 56% of respondents form among the growth enhancement scheme participants and non-participants had one form of education of another. The main source of agricultural information as predominantly radio regression analysis showed that age, marital status and level of education were significantly related to level of participation at 5% level of significance, while extension contact and access to market were also significantly related to level of participation at 10% level of significance. There was a significant difference between output and income of GES participants and non-participants. GES participants declared higher income than the non-participants. There was also significant difference in the income of participants. Among the challenges facing respondents in the study area was that of high rate of illiteracy. It therefore recommended among others that functional literacy campaign for women farmers be taken to the rural areas where these women reside.

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