Banking & Finance

Electronic Banking As An Aid To Commercial Bank

Electronic Banking As An Aid To Commercial Bank

Electronic Banking As An Aid To Commercial Bank


This study focuses on Electronic banking as an aid to commercial bank operation. The main objective of this work is to identify how electronic banking aids commercial banks in carrying out their daily activities. In other to achieve this, primary data which exist inform of questionnaire and oral interviews and secondary data inform of journals, articles and books were used. Three hypotheses were formulated and analyzed with simple percentage and Chi-Square statistical methods. Results show that poor staff orientation, poor infrastructures and high cost of adoption are factors that affect the effectiveness of electronic banking in aiding operations in commercial banks. IT recommends that banks should carryout more seminars and training for staffs to enlighten them on being computer literate and on the use of electronic banking and also put in place the appropriate facilities for its effectivity.IN conclusion the study reveals that electronic banks plays a major role in aiding of operations of commercial banks through execution of transactions at faster rate and enhancing banks profitability and effectiveness.

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