Business Administration & Management

The Appraisal Of Multinational

The Appraisal Of Multinational


Multinational Corporation is now globally accepted business firms which have adopted various cultures and take responsibility for her host community socially. The appraisal of multinational corporation to the contribution of community development became necessary to evaluate the extent of exploration carried out by multinational corporations in Nigeria. A review of related literature was carried out to give the study. The required theoretical background, available statistics from the natural population commission indicate that Eket community have an estimate of one thousand six hundred and ten people (101,610) and the sample size is made up of hundred respondents (100),the method employed in collecting data was the questionnaire. (4) Four hypotheses were formulated and tested for the study using simple percentage (%) statistical method of data analysis, on the basis of the analyses some findings were recorded as follows: It was discovered that the multinational corporation rather abuse human right and pollute environment instead of developing the host community. Following the findings recorded some useful recommendation were proffered for the resolution of the problems identified in the study. It suggested that in order to make the people fell statistical; the firm has to provide much to the needs they want. To also widen the scope of here social responsibility to provide employment and hasten community development. It is concluded that is the law of the land is not properly put into use; Multinational Corporation will not contribute towards the development of her host community.

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