Computer Science

Enhanced Information System for the Self-Sustenance Activities of Tertiary Institutions

Enhanced Information System for the Self-Sustenance Activities of Tertiary Institutions (Case Study: University of Nigeria, Nsukka


This project is concerned with the development of an Enhanced Information System for the Self-sustenance activities of Tertiary Institutions. Entrepreneurial activities are becoming common place in Nigerian institutions of higher learning, in their bid to raise funds in the face of dwindling government funding. The existing information systems are not sufficiently equipped to aid the managements of these institutions in the effective running of the fund generating ventures. The databases, data approach used in this project included the use of distributed # warehousing and transaction processing systems that can easily access the databases of the various ventures.. A central database was also created to maintain a composite picture of the distributed databases. The resultant software package has several advantages over the existing system including faster response time, increased scope as it covers entrepreneurial activities. Using this system, the managements of the various institutions of higher learning in Nigeria would be able to manage the resources of internally generated revenue effectively and efficiently. This should lead to informed decisions, and improved strategic planning in addition to providing a basis for various . academiclresearch activities.

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