Computer Science

Implementation of A Computerized Commodity Exchange Information System

Implementation of Computerized Commodity Exchange Information System


The need to develop a Computerized Commodity exchange information system that will provide information and keep record of transaction made on commodities has become pressing due to the rapid growth of industries that make use of these commodities and the inefficiency of manual keeping of all transaction made.

The information was got from the ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Mines and power and Raw Materials Research Centre to develop a software package that would achieve the aim of this project.

This software package is the project I developed to be useful to both large and small exchange market, ministries, industries, and other private establishments that use locally produced commodities especially those produced in Enugu State.


This section explains how the project is arranged. The chapters and their purpose are carefully stated and easily understand how this project is designed.

CHAPTER 1 of this work is about the introduction and how the project come about. It tells the problems and objectives of this project.

CHAPTER 2 tries to relate the project topic and some other topics.

CHAPTER 3 has to do with the investigation of the present system and its operations. The evaluation of the existing systems.

CHAPTER 4 explain the design of the new system and shows chart of the different operation of the new system.

CHAPTER 5 explain the overall testing of the different modules of the program it also contain the program flowchart, pseudocode the source program.

CHAPTER 6 contain the documentation and manual that will help user understand the system orientation.

CHAPTER 7 the recommendation and conclusion the appendixes that contain the program output and other necessary information.

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