
Analysis Of Credit Facilities To Small Scale Farmers

Analysis Of Credit Facilities To Small Scale Farmers


Inadequate support in terms of credit facilities from government and financial institution has been identified as one of the major problem affecting farming operation particularly that of the small scale farmers in Nigeria. This study analyzed the impact of credit facilities to the operation of small scale farms in Nigeria using BENDE Local Government as a case study. Questionnaires were used to source the data used in carrying out this research. The research design employed for this study was a descriptive survey design, in order to achieve an accurate representation of the entire population. The study makes use of simple random sampling technique as the method of data analysis. However, one strong outcome of this study is that the poor state of credit facilities to small scale farmers in Nigeria has drastically affected farming operation, thus, reduction in agricultural output, leading to importation of Agricultural product. Credit facilities therefore plays a crucial role in the operation of small scale farming, this ensures the derived output which sustain the growth and development of the economy.

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