
Adaptation of the Dagi Motif for Painting

Adaptation of the Dagi Motif for Painting


The research titled: “Adaptation of the Dagi Motif for Painting” is aimed at bringing to light the aesthetic qualities that are inherent in Northern Knot motif which bears the nomenclature “Dagi” with the view to further advance the study of the ubiquitous icon as a source for artistic purpose (particularly for painting. The data for the study were therefore, based on selected Dagi Motif as found on palace gate, door post of houses, embroidery and other household utensil found in Zaria Emirate council. However, similar forms of interest in books and previous paintings were also made use of. They served as creative models for the study. Result and findings of this study are presented as plates followed by discussions. At the end of the research, certain observations were made. It was found that in exploring the Dagi motif, mere visual representation could be carried further to highly complex visual sophistication as a play of light upon the dagi motif can be interesting with certain areas reflecting or refract light with fascinating results. Thus, painters should continue to tap into “Dagi” inspirational depth to further advance modern painting.

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