Office Technology Management

Effective Communication and its Importance to Secretarial Functions


From time immemorial, communication has been the means whereby living things pass information or correspondence to one another.

In this project, an attempt has been made to give concisely, the essentials of good communication, though, it is hoped that the main purpose in writer’s mind on this topic is to enlighten people in the approach of communication that produce more reaction and better response to the message. The importance of communication to the secretary is to be conscious of the vital importance of communication to the desired message in appropriate form.

In other words, secretaries are needed in every type of organisation or office in carrying out responsibilities. One of these responsibilities is the use of effective communication in the organisation; there would not be an abundant flow of information for decision making. Further more, if a form of communication is being used correctly, there should be a desirable feedback. However, when there is a breakdown or any interference in communication, the communication tend to be in effective. For any management to function and succeed in their undertakings there must be a competent secretary with good qualities who is able to make an effective and efficient use of communication.

The function of a secretary under life’s process, because of the need of the effective communication. Management spend their time to make sure that any secretary employed on a well organisation should at least know much about communication process so much so that a manager’s effectiveness cannot be improved without the knowledge of his secretary.

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