
Desulphurisation Kerosene – Engineering Project Topics

Desulphurisation Kerosene – Engineering Project Topics


This report aimed at determining the presence and removal of mercaptan sulphur in kerosene using colour indicator method. It is known that impurities such as free sulphur, sulphur dioxide, mercaptans, funing materials, etc. are found in petroleum products. Consequently, absorbents like a molecular sieve, calcium oxide, and even activated carbon could be used to trap these impurities, thereby making the product impurity free.

The afficac of the absorption using the calcium (Cao) Cammerer flask was determined by titration. Excess Silver Nitrate has been added to the sample ie effluent Silves mercaptides with the mercaptan sulphur compound present. The excess silver Nitrate is determined by titration with ammonium thiocyanate using a ferric ammonium sulphate indicator. The illustration graphically shows that the percentage of sulphur in the sample reduces with an increase in time. Furthermore, it was noted that a slight increase in the quantity of kerosene fields better result.

Table of Content

Title Page
Cover Page
Approval Page
Table Of Content
Chapter One
1.1 Introduction

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

Chapter Three
3.0 Experimental Procedure

Chapter Four
4.0 Experimental Result
4.1 Data Analysis

Chapter Five
5.0 Discussion
5.1 Conclusion
Chapter One



Kerosene is a petroleum distillate having a flashpoint of 380c and density of 0.82ca and is mainly used as an. Illuminant when burned and a wick as well as in cooking stove and as a solvent in process industries. The sulphur content of an illuminating oil varies greatly with the type of oil and the lese to which it is to be put. In general, sulphur or content is important only when oil is to be burned under conditions where the sulphur dioxide that may evolve in the course of combustion must be limited or reduced. This could be found in lamps and heating equipment. At maximum, the sulphur content specification for kerosene is 0.13% Light odourless paraffin can be the primary product used especially as non-aromatic solvents. This is extensively used in the paint and aerosol industries. Consequently, light odourless kerosene is also used in aviation turbines and jet fuel for aircraft. Jet fuel is simple kerosene that has been subjected to appropriate treatment to remove the impurities. Such impurities include mercaptans sulphur, hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gum, etc. these impurities can be detected in the petroleum products using standard test methods which are extensively elaborated in this work and however removal of these impurities using chemical method. Some of the test methods include, colour indicates a method, potentiometric method mostly applied in kerosene aviation turbine and distillate fuels, etc.

Among others in removal of these impurities, mostly mercaptan sulphur in kerosene the following reagents in the colour indicator method are used. Then included silver Nitrate (A2N03) 0.LN, Ammonium thiocyanate (NH4 CNS) 0.025N ferric Ammonium sulphate indicator (ALUM), etc.

This report aimed at determining the presence and removal of mercaptan sulphur in kerosene using colour indicator method. It is known that impurities such as free sulphur, sulphur dioxide, mercaptans, funing materials, etc. are found in petroleum products. Consequently, absorbents like a molecular sieve, calcium oxide, and even activated carbon could be used to trap these impurities, thereby making the product impurity free.

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